Faith & Spirituality

I share numerous ways that I have tapped into my spirituality to help guide me through my cancer journey. A great deal of trust, comfort and empowerment can come from the realisation that you are more than your physical bodies. I share a meditation which invites you to tune into your inner beings so that you may experience this deeper connection to yourself.

Meditation to delve deeper into who you really are, which often helps to alleviate fear arising from physical ailments as awareness is increased that we are a LOT more than our physical bodies! Tune into this deeper part of yourself to remind you that you have a centre / home guiding and supporting you at all times.


An example of how life situations can mirror the healing journey.

It is said that the yoga mat is a mirror for day to day living, and that the practice is 24/7. The time on the mat helps you to remain 'in yoga' during your time off the mat ..... where the real transformation and healing takes place!

Here I share what I believe 'self love' refers to, on a spiritual level, and how unconditional love brings balance to the whole to facilitate deep healing.

Being open to change, allowing things to unfold, ways to manage stress, improve health, maintain balance, making changes slowly, following your inner guide, nutrition, de-toxing and the importance of feeling good, enjoying yourself and positive emotions.


I have experienced that when you are able to live more in the present moment, the fear of death falls away. There are plenty of mind practices to help train the mind to be more present...

When you are able to tap into the deeper part of you true self, you will experience that you are more than your physical body and that you are never alone. This is very empowering, healing and can bring with it an ENORMOUS amount of comfort during challenging life situations.


I share some reflections on sayings we commonly hear in yoga classes / spirituality that ''you are already perfect' and 'already whole'. What does this mean, and how can this truth help us to cultivate compassion and forgiveness to navigate a healing crisis and enable us to connect to our source for ultimate alignment, freedom & empowerment?