Living your truth

You can only really live your full truth when you are able to connect with the deepest part of your-self. This is healing, liberating, empowering and brings with it feelings of joy and bliss no matter what your external circumstances. I share reflections and meditations to help you access this deeper part of yourself …… so you can fully experience that the power lies within you!

Our minds are thinking machines ..... and most of us have very overactive minds and therefore we spend the majority of time in our heads.

When you can drop your mind into your body, it helps to quieten the constant stream of chatter. Thoughts lose charge and it's easier to drop to a place of quiet and connect to the 'observer' within..... then you are better able to truly listen and FEEL from a deeper place.

If you can learn to FEEL your way from this deeper place rather than THINK your way from a reactive mind ...... amazing things can happen! This is why meditation, mindfulness & breath work is so powerful.

Advice for embarking on chemotherapy - practical and emotional tips.

Clare talks about her previous experiences with medical treatment, and how these helped her to tune in to her intuition and find her voice throughout her cancer journey.

Face your fear (within reason!), do it anyway & reap the rewards!

Your Personal Power - adjusting your mindset can encourage positivity to shine through in what can be a very difficult time.

'This is the first time I’ve ever felt completely in MY personal power - not my mum and dad’s, not school’s, not the church’s, but MY personal power. And that is where liberation comes in'.