Self Care

I believe clearing the decks and prioritising self care has been instrumental to the way I have felt during my cancer journey! Your body needs energy to heal, so preserving as much energy as you can during high dose chemo is paramount. Even tiny moments of self-care throughout the day can improve our overall feelings of wellbeing and help us on our healing journeys. I share helpful preparations I made and things I did to support myself which is all part of self care.

My top tips for preparing for Chemo.

My high dose Chemo: Carboplatin and Docetaxel with immunotherapies Herceptin and Pertuzumab. 9 hour infusions x 2, then 7 hour infusions. My lower dose Chemo: Kadcyla

Here I discuss the root cause of cancer and how I believe that can be physical, mental and / or emotional. I consider judgement, shame, conditioning, lifestyle, how prevention is better than cure, how you can come back to alignment, balance and ultimately look for the lessons to grow, evolve and heal.

I share my highlights during high dose Chemo! YES it is possible!!!


I was diagnosed on 2nd September, 2020, however, I decided to only tell a select few friends / family as I went through my high dose chemotherapy which I had first. This was so I could preserve my energy, avoid projections, maintain a positive mind and focus on healing during this time. I am really pleased I took this decision.

Encouraged by my daughter, I recorded this for my Facebook friends on 4th February, 2021, 2 days after my operation. It was completely off the cuff, unrehearsed and in it, I speak about 'surrender' as being key to the way I had navigated my diagnosis to date. It was the perfect timing to 'come out of the cancer closet' as I had lots of lovely calls and messages as I was recovering from my operation!

An insight to emotions - what they are and how, with practice and kindness to self, we have the power to create good feelings within us through our mind which creates emotions and how conducive this is for healing.


Meditation and breath

Meditation and breath were an integral part of my self care, tap the button below to watch the videos about how to introduce this to your own self care routine!