Targeted immunotherapy drugs

Understanding side affect lists: I didn’t get any notable side affects to Trastuzumab, Pertuzumab or Kadcyla; canula’s & veins, my heart function IMPROVED whilst I was on Herceptin!

I explain something I read at the bottom of a leaflet I was given that listed all of the side affects to the Chemotherapy drug Kadcyla in the hope it may help to alleviate some fear.

I share how I had a few issues with my veins during my infusions (on 3 occasions the medication has leaked into surrounding tissues, and I have had a few issues getting canula's in from the outset) ..... Twice I was offered a permanent PICC line (I've remembered the name for it)!!!

However, I really wanted to avoid a PICC line if possible, so I offered it up, used meditation and visualisations and I'm delighted to report that with only 2 rounds left to go, I have managed to do just that.

Please note - increasing water intake can also help canula insertion, as well as keeping the hands / forearm warm. You can try placing a hot water bottle on the area prior to your appointment.

Being open to change, allowing things to unfold, ways to manage stress, improve health, maintain balance, making changes slowly, following your inner guide, nutrition, de-toxing and the importance of feeling good, enjoying yourself and positive emotions.