Breast Cancer Post-Operation Exercises

I am delighted to share the recordings I filmed as I was recovering from my own lumpectomy & full lymph node clearance.

Please join me as I guide you safely through the exercises provided in the NHS leaflet, whilst including some breath awareness, mindfulness & relaxation to aid healing at a time that it’s so important to tune in and be kind to yourselves.

I recorded a variety of lengths, both standing & seated, so you can discover which variations suit you best.

Please start with the week 1 exercises which there are 4 recordings for. I would advise starting with 1/4, then moving onto 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 in order when and if you feel ready. Then you could do a combination or repeat your favourites.

Assuming recovery is progressing as expected, you may then progress onto the week 2 exercises 1 week after your operation, or after you have had your drain removed.

Aim to repeat the exercises 3 times per day, with plenty of rest and filtered water in between, and don't forget to congratulate yourself for being proactive in your journey back to health.

Please remember to listen to your body, and if you have any concerns, then please don’t hesitate to discuss them with your breast care nurse.

You can continue the second week exercises beyond the end of the second week for as long as you like ….. and then move on to beginner classes on the platform if you wish to continue your practice which would be very beneficial.

Sending you loads of healing light, high vibrations and love, from the bottom of my heart, Clare Xx

NB: Neither Harmonise Training Ltd or Clare Francis accepts any responsibility whatsoever for any injuries that may occur during your home practice. Please ensure you use a sturdy chair, have a clear space around you, seek medical advice if you are unsure about safe participation and be aware that participation is entirely at your own risk.  

Week 2


Breast Cancer Post Operation exercises (week 2) 1/4


Breast cancer post operation exercises seated (week 2) 2/4


Breast cancer post operation exercises (week 2) 3/4


Breast Cancer post operation exercises (week 2) 4/4