Reducing Stress

Stress is key when it comes to physical and emotional health. Exercise, community, yoga, meditation, and nutrition can all contribute to reducing your stress levels as well as factors such as putting in boundaries, listening to your body, observing your mind and self care practices.

'What we resist persists' ... practicing non inner resistance, which is ultimately what we are doing during an effective yoga practice, breath work & meditation, is extremely powerful in reducing stress which can have huge mind-body-being benefits on our health and well-being.


Listening to your body each round and learning from it for the next round - positive actions and positive mindset, empowerment, letting things unfold, staying present.


I explain something I read at the bottom of a leaflet I was given that listed all of the side affects to the Chemotherapy drug Kadcyla in the hope it may help to alleviate some fear.

An insight to emotions - what they are and how, with practice and kindness to self, we have the power to create good feelings within us. Through our minds we can create positive emotions and reduces harmful stress, which is conducive to healing.


Here I discuss the root cause of cancer and how I believe that can be physical, mental and / or emotional. I consider judgement, shame, conditioning, lifestyle, how prevention is better than cure, how can come back to alignment, balance and ultimately look for the lessons to grow, evolve and heal.

Can I be with this right now? Observing the mind and returning to centre. I used this technique after my first round of Chemo when I had mouth ulcers and started to feel sorry for myself ..... it made a HUGE difference within SECONDS.


I share some of the main nutritional changes I made since discovering my diagnosis and how I have eliminated stress from my life following many challenging life situations.
